Saturday, May 10, 2008

Well the soon to be Shady Grove....

I thought I’d start my first blog with a view of the sunny side of the our Shady Grove. It’s 7:00 am and my favorite time of day. The sun adds a golden glow to the hills and the trees, casting light and shadow everywhere. It’s still hazy from a cool spring morning. I can hear the wild turkeys calling from the woods. In another week the trees will be full of leaves.

This shot is from my winter work space. The red barn in the distance is my wintertime companion, soon to be eclipsed by an expansive and graceful Boxelder tree. The hilltops are about 150'-200' higher in elevation than our house. Our home sits in a meadowland valley and is surrounded on three sides by 25 wooded acres on the hilltops. It is an amazing place to live and I treasure it.

My husband Mark and I moved to this old farmstead in Southwestern Wisconsin six years ago. Most of the buildings were beyond repair when we moved here. What can be salvaged we are fixing up a little at a time. Many items are finally getting finished this year. Our son Matt started college last fall and our treck around the countryside for soccer games came to an abrupt halt.