Friday, September 21, 2007

Found Treasure

I adore this photo. I can feel the mother's love for her child. My heart swells every-time I look at it. I found the photo at a local flea market, in a box with dozens of other forgotten moments in time. The truly amazing thing about the photo is the personal connection I have with this mother. At the bottom of the photo the handwriting tells me that it was taken in 1915 at Long Park. Her little girl looks to be about one year old. 75 years after this photo was taken, I took my own little one year old girl to this very same park and had the privilege of holding her hand while she took her very first walk, all around the big pond. I will never forget that lovely day, and while we had no photo to commemorate this wondrous occasion, I know that the same joy I felt is the same joy radiating from the mother in this photo.
I treasure it.