Monday, January 22, 2007

This is going to be an incredible study, of this I have no doubt. I've always enjoyed Beth Moore's style of teaching; her sense of humor and more especially, her passion for Jesus. This study will be different from any of hers I've done before, because it is session driven -- the homework stems from the video session, instead of vice versa. Personally, *I* like the set-up. She made some awesome points yesterday; I left the session feeling incredibly convicted!

We talked about viewing Daniel's Babylon figuratively -- as a way of thinking, or an attitude. To that end, Isaiah 47:10 sums it up, "...I am and there is no one besides me." Self-absorption and complete over-indulgence. Certainly, an attitude of Babylon prevails in the west!

One thought that struck me particularly was this: If I am not doing everything possible to keep from being indoctrinated by "Babylon," I already am.

Wow. I think about how as a family we've struggled with worldly music, TV, movies, clothing, and other worldly influences, and I understood just why it was so important. Keeping that mindset of separation enables us to live in the world without being a part of the world. It doesn't take much.

Another thing she said that sticks with me is, "I believe I won't." Based on 1 Corinthians 6:12, which (paraphrased) is that all things are permissible, but not all things are beneficial. Believers need to pray for godly discernment so that they can say "I believe I won't," to those things which are permissible, but not beneficial.

To that end, Beth Moore challenged us to do something Daniel-like. Daniel refused to eat from the king's table. I don't believe this was a sacrifice, but more a decision to NOT. Beth is giving up rich meats and challenged us to do the same or something similar. I want to give up something to which God would say, yeah, you can, but it's not beneficial to you. I am praying that God will quickly illuminate that something for me!

Exciting days.
