Sunday, December 10, 2006

A couple of fun workshops have happened over the last month or two. In one, a one-day workshop with the local quilt group, I showed 8 members how to make a notebook cover decorated with thread.

A To do this, we prepared a simple base fabric with pellon backing, and then added freeform fabric shapes which had been prepared with fusible webbing. Then it was fun, fun, fun with lots of stitching over and over until the whole surface was totally decorated. When complete, the piece was cut to size, flaps added, and lined, to make a great notebook cover. Several of the girls have made more since then as Christmas presents. Here's some photos ot their work - I'm proud of them!

In another series of lessons at the local quilt store "The Quilter's Angel" a small group has been learning the basics of quilting. We made small completed items from our samples of walking foot quilting, free motion quilting, quilt as you go, quilt before you go and trapunto. Here's some of their work.