Sunday, April 9, 2006

April - quite a few projects are on the go and, as usual, too little time to do them all! However, by plodding away day after day and doing all the boring stuff like preparing meals and cleaning the house - there is usually some time at the end of the day to do something! It means giving up TV or stitching while you watch and not paying too much attention.

At left is the back of my first ATC (Artist's Trading Card) which I plan to give to a quilting friend soon. This was done on one of the fabric sheets you can get now - they are excellent! I made some fabric for the front by doing some raw edge applique onto a dark background. Then I stitched all over with decorative threads. Last, beads were added, and a blanket stitched border. These were a lot of fun to do and are a good way to use up any workshop samples of techniques that don't have a particular use. A larger piece can be created and then cut into the
3 1/2 x 2 1/2 inch format.

The sample above left is another one I did at the same time which will be made into a notebook cover. This was so much fun to do and so relaxing that I want to do more and try different colour and techniques. I'd like to try fabric weaving next! On the right is the front of the finished card.

This is a scrap quilt I made for Keith, and it's in pieces here on the floor. The finished quilt is on the bed above - I quilted it all over in a Celtic design. The Blocks are quite simple, a square inside two borders, then cut again into four smaller blocks. Mixed and matched - it came out well. Keith is receiving it today and I know he will love it!

I forgot to take a photo of the quilt bag I made him - this is an idea a customer of mine had which I love. Make a simple calico draw string bag for each quilt you give away. Use left over blocks or fabrics from the quilt to embellish the bag. I also attach a quilt label similar to the one on the quilt. This means that when I want to borrow the quilt back for a quilt show it is all ready to go, and labelled. It saves gift wrapping , protects the quilt in transit, and people love to receive their quilt this way!

Next on the agenda I will retun to the stained glass project and the quilt book project. (But I also want to make a really simple and cosy flannel quilt for a friend who is not well.)