My husband often tells me that I give him information in bits and pieces, and that sometimes it takes a while for him to get a whole picture, without a lot of prodding on his part. It's not uncommon for me to "all of a sudden" remember things I wanted to share with him, just as we're falling asleep -- or rather, just as he's falling asleep -- or sometimes, right before someone else is going to tell him something I've known (and *really* meant to tell him) for several days.
It shouldn't surprise me then, or anyone reading, that I stumbled across a set of pictures taken while my family was here (three weeks ago), that I'd definitely meant to share here!
One of the things I really wanted to do while everyone was here, was take all the girls to my favorite tea room, Emma's, for lunch! We worked it out so everyone -- my mom, my sister, her two daughters, my Jocelyn and Kim -- could make lunch and trekked off to Emma's on Monday.
Wendy, the younger of Laura's daughters, had never been to a tea room before, so she was very excited.
What doesn't excite her is having her picture taken. She did, however, enjoy having her own cup of tea! I think she and her mommy shared a pot of "Almond Rocker" red rooibus tea (which is one of my personal favorites).
Alison, whom I blogged about here, is a beautiful young lady and enjoyed our lunchtime as well. And all you have to do is look around in the background of the photo, to see all the fun things Emma's offers to make tea parties at home a fun and pretty experience!
I believe Alison had a chocolate mint tea. Add a little sugar and cream, and it's like drinking dessert!
The wait staff at Emma's is as wonderful as the food and tea; they made sure that Wendy (and so all of us) had a wonderful dining experience!
And then there was dessert. Laura made the mistake of thinking she and Wendy should share a dessert. Wendy didn't think so.
She was taking her bites off Laura's spoon before Laura could get it to her mouth!
Did I mention dessert was good?
No. I mean it was REALLY good!
Here's our group shot -- what a lovely family of ladies!
And there's Wendy . . . she cracks me UP! Love that face.
I did manage to catch a good one of her by the sign. It's work! I took six pictures of her standing there -- this one was the winner!
But this photo . . .
Caps it off as a great afternoon!
It shouldn't surprise me then, or anyone reading, that I stumbled across a set of pictures taken while my family was here (three weeks ago), that I'd definitely meant to share here!
One of the things I really wanted to do while everyone was here, was take all the girls to my favorite tea room, Emma's, for lunch! We worked it out so everyone -- my mom, my sister, her two daughters, my Jocelyn and Kim -- could make lunch and trekked off to Emma's on Monday.
Wendy, the younger of Laura's daughters, had never been to a tea room before, so she was very excited.
What doesn't excite her is having her picture taken. She did, however, enjoy having her own cup of tea! I think she and her mommy shared a pot of "Almond Rocker" red rooibus tea (which is one of my personal favorites).
Alison, whom I blogged about here, is a beautiful young lady and enjoyed our lunchtime as well. And all you have to do is look around in the background of the photo, to see all the fun things Emma's offers to make tea parties at home a fun and pretty experience!
I believe Alison had a chocolate mint tea. Add a little sugar and cream, and it's like drinking dessert!
The wait staff at Emma's is as wonderful as the food and tea; they made sure that Wendy (and so all of us) had a wonderful dining experience!
And then there was dessert. Laura made the mistake of thinking she and Wendy should share a dessert. Wendy didn't think so.
She was taking her bites off Laura's spoon before Laura could get it to her mouth!
Did I mention dessert was good?
No. I mean it was REALLY good!
Here's our group shot -- what a lovely family of ladies!
And there's Wendy . . . she cracks me UP! Love that face.
I did manage to catch a good one of her by the sign. It's work! I took six pictures of her standing there -- this one was the winner!
But this photo . . .
Caps it off as a great afternoon!