So, my latest finish passed inspection by my daughter. Here are the details ...

A little while back I won a set of nine house blocks in a giveaway from
Love Laugh Quilt. I posted previously
here about the ladies who made the fabulous blocks I received.
Well, I guess the basic idea/expectation was to make a quilt with your nine blocks, but I decided to go in a different direction. These blocks were so pretty and lively I wanted them to be out somewhere I could see them ...

So I decided on a table runner. And not just one, but two! Above is the first one. It uses 6 blocks from the giveaway plus one I made. I made the block with the tree on the end.
This table runner is for my dining room table. And then, using the other three blocks I have left I am going to make a matching runner for the little antique chest that we use as a sideboard! It was very hard to decide what blocks to put in each one, but I went with how they worked with each other.

I put a street on the bottom (using fabric with names of quilts on it) and a nice polka dot for the yellow line. My son wanted strawberries growing by the side of the road instead of grass, and at the top I put a blue fabric that could be interpreted either as stars or snowflakes, whichever.

The binding is a green polka dot.

I quilted it with a combination of straight and wavy lines. I just did it with the regular foot on my machine. I have yet to try the free motion foot I bought.
I thought it was quite cool that when I showed this to a friend she thought the blocks looked very much like something I had made myself due to the lively colours. And I agree that I was very fortunate to receive such vibrant creative houses!

These are the three blocks that I still have left to use for the little sideboard runner. I think it will be such a great matched set!
Happy Quilting!
And now for some linky fun ...