Dear Mo was a true-blue, super-duper trooper today at the vets. She surprised everyone, by being so good, and so still through all of her testing, that there was no need to give her any anesthesia, and we were able to come and get her earlier then they had expected. I am very proud of her, as I know that she was very afraid, (resulting in a few accidents, but that is to be expected.)
Unfortunately the x-ray showed a large mass, and the vet is 85% sure it is cancer. He also concurred with my own research saying that would give us only another 3 to 6 months with our sweet baby girl. Suffice to say that I have cried a lot of tears today.
To be 100% sure of it being cancer, we would have to take her to a specialist for more tests and procedures, but everyone, including Mo's doctor, felt that it was best to just let this take it's own course of action, making each day the best it can be for her, as nothing can really be done for this type of cancer, and her quality of life would suffer if put through extra testing, and treatment. The last thing that I want is for Molasses to suffer.
Interestingly Mo has been the picture of health the last few days, and all of her symptoms have gone away... I like to think it is from all the well wishes, prayers and good energy that everyone has been sending. Thank you and keep it coming, as the vet said that if we can keep her going past the 6 month mark, then there is a good chance that she was actually in that other 15%, and the mass isn't cancer. He said that he didn't want to give me false hope, but I will take any and all hope that I can get.
In the midst of my tears and sadness, I have been filled with tremendous gratitude for all of the days that I have been so blessed to spend with Molasses BooDill, and I will be profoundly grateful for each more day I get to spend with her. I assure you, I have never taken her for granted, and often marvel at how such one little being can bring such enormous joy to all who meet her.
I also assure you that she will be getting lots of extra belly rubs and snuggle time, and almost anything else her little heart desires. Please continue to keep her in your thoughts from time to time, and hopefully she will defy the odds.
Thank you to each and everyone of you who took the time to comment or to email. Your kindness is deeply appreciated, and will not be forgotten.