I came home from the Parent's Weekend and all that fun and was SICK!!! Yep! and we had all the kids coming over for dinner and pumpkin carving. I sucked it up (like moms do when they are sick and the show must go on!) and made dinner. Amanda made the scrumptious Pumpkin Pie Cake and we made it through the night. Here are some carving picks, Grandpa changing the poopers cuz everyone was up to their elbows in pumpkin guts, and the finished Jack-o-Lanterns! Trick or Treat!!!
Sorry to have left you hanging as to what was happening to Tiffany's quilt, so here goes.
It's a really cute patriotic quilt and she is getting it done as a special gift for her DH who is retiring from the Army. So she wanted to get some Embroidery done on it to commemorate her hubby. Not my favorite thing to do, but I must. So I pull out the embroidery module and slap it on the machine. Get the border all lined up and in the hoop. Spell out each line (some twice cuz I screw up) and embroider 3 lines. Get everything squared up and on the machine.
Then begins the quilting! OK so this is the easy part. Well, the quilting of it is, getting to the machine so I can quilt sometimes isn't so easy. But it must be done by Thursday or at the latest early Friday morning.
It's almost done, but I have a Church Quilting Class coming over Thursday evening. I have to stop early and get set up for that, and then go back to quilting. I'm not quite finished and the ladies arrive. We have class, it's winding down and some are almost done so I go back to quilting on Tiffany's quilt. I've been noticing all afternoon that my machine is sounding a bit rattlely. I spent some time in the afternoon oiling it all down, so I know that's not the problem. However, it continues and is pretty annoying, but the stitches look good and I keep pressing forward. Then the machine comes to a complete STOP! No budging it. So I go to bed and hope that in the morning it will decide to work.
Friday about 5 AM. I get up and the machine works. Well, for a bit and then it begins stuttering and sounding like it's not sure it's going to work. Almost, like a car running out of gas. Then it STOPS and there is no getting it to move. So, I have to go get ready for Parent's Weekend and prep myself to tell Tiffany her quilt is NOT done!!
On the way to Provo, I call Jen, the A-1 Dealer in the area. I give her a description of what was going on, and she tells me it's the motor-brushes. So she says she'll order some for me. Well, we're still waiting and then she's coming to help me get them installed. Tiffany is gracious and says No Problem. When I get the machine fixed and the quilt done. I'll post a picture!
This is the newest addition to my art quilt collection: Plum Basket by Laura Wasilowski 2008.
The back is also a work of art so I decided to show them side by side. I scanned them in rather than taking a photo so they are a bit cropped. (click on either for a larger pic) Laura taught at the Utah Quilt Guild annual quilt fest last month. Her classes were very inspirational, educational and a lot of fun. My sister and I each took a class from her and made wonderful quilts. Thank you Laura.
Update: Laura recently shared this quilt on her blog in an ode remembering summer.
The richness I achieve comes from Nature, the source of my inspiration. - Claude Monet Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you. - Frank Lloyd Wright
Nature will bear the closest inspection. She invites us to lay our eye level with her smallest leaf, and take an insect view of its plain. - Henry David Thoreau
Let children walk with Nature, let them see the beautiful blendings and communions of death and life, their joyous inseparable unity, as taught in woods and meadows, plains and mountains and streams of our blessed star, and they will learn that death is stingless indeed, and as beautiful as life. - John Muir
Marion Post Wolcott was a FSA documentary photographer who used her vision and photographic skills to showcase and educate the American public on the plight of those most affected by the Great Depression.
Marion bravely traveled alone through New England, Kentucky, North Carolina, Florida, Louisiana, and Mississippi
in order to show the vast differences between social and economic classes of the haves...
and the have-nots...
She turned her lens towards all that she encountered and exposed the reality of America.
And through her artist and humanitarian commitment, she made a difference by helping to document over a three and a half year period the benefits of federal subsidies, helping to gain support for FDR's New Deal policies and projects, ushering in the promise of hope, a helping hand up and the opportunity for a better way of life.
Marion Post Wolcott
was a true American hero.
I know that we are all weary from the this long political road we have all been traveling lately. But now we are at those proverbial crossroads, and each of us must make a decision as to which way we will go. One way promises hope, and the other way promises to save us from all that we should fear. I choose to chance it and take the path that points towards hope. I do this because I will always choose hope over fear. Because faith is stronger then fear. Because fear is used to control people, whereas hope is used to inspire people. Which way will you go? Each of us must decide which path we choose, and whichever one you decided to take, I wish you well.
"We need to teach the next generation of children from Day One that they are responsible for their lives. Mankind's greatest gift, also its greatest curse, is that we have free choice. We can make our choices built from love or from fear."
My Friend Niquie bought a Mary Engelbreit panel and was going to make me a "Friendship" wall-hanging. She actually bought 2 panels because she knew that she would want a "Friendship" wall-hanging too! That's how we are, we just can't stand for one of us to do something and not have it ourself. So we came to the conclusion that I'll make one for her and she'll make one for me! Of Course they'll be a like, but that's good cuz we'll know that every time we look at it our bestest friend has one exactly like it hanging in her home reminding her of our "Friendship"!
Here's what it looks like now, and to justify the cute ME tin that I showed earier I did buy it cuz I knew I could use the FQs in it on my friendship wall-hanging. Plus I've bought a few more! I can't wait to work on it again. It's gonna be so cute.
Note: With the exception of this Friday's Halloween post, (see my P.S. at the bottom of this post) all of my other posts, between now and election day, (November 4th) are going to be political in nature. Why? Well, as my oldest, college going, vote registering daughter told one of her peers who declared her disinterest in politics by stating, "I don't do politics." ... ... "You may not do politics" replied my daughter, "but politics does you!"
... I don't know about you, but I like to have a say in what is being done to me!
And now for todays post... 47 years ago our nation elected John F. Kennedy as its 35th president, giving hope for a brighter future to millions of Americans. Sadly this dream was never realized due to an act of irrational violence and hatred. Now for many, with this election, we once again have that hope of a brighter and better tomorrow, for all humans everywhere. I pray that this time the hope can live, grow, prosper and spread, so that we may all live in peace one day.
John Lennon, whose life also was tragically cut short by another act of irrational violence and hatred, expressed the vision of a peaceful world more beautifully then anyone else I can think of...
The following words were spoken by Kennedy, and they are as relevant today as when he first spoke them, more then 45 years ago.
- No one has been barred on account of his race from fighting or dying for America, there are no white or colored signs on the foxholes or graveyards of battle.
- When written in Chinese, the word "crisis" is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity.
- The basic problems facing the world today are not susceptible to a military solution.
- We cannot expect that all nations will adopt like systems, for conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth
- If we cannot now end our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity.
- Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal.
- Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures.
- We have the power to make this the best generation of mankind in the history of the world or to make it the last.
- Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
- Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind.
PS. For those of you who do not enjoy the heaviness of this weeks posts, I have decided that in the spirit of childhood innocence and fun I will be posting something lighthearted and halloween-ish on Friday.
Be sure to come over and check out the New Blog and let me know what you think! All comments left on the New Blog through November 15th will be entered into a drawing for a FQ Pack! I'll post a picture soon!
So, I was supposed to get a quilt done for Tiffany by Thursday (10/23) evening to deliver on Saturday when we would meet them in Salt Lake City for Witchapalooza! We were heading out on Friday morning to Parent's Weekend at BYU! See below for pictures of our weekend, and see tomorrow's post for what happend to Tiffany's quilt!!!
We had a great time. We went on a expanded golf cart thing for a campus tour. The 2 boys were so embarrassed and hoped no one they knew would see them. Then we went bowling for free at the Wilkensen Center. Most importantly we FED them every chance they could get. Then Saturday morning Bob and I hiked to the Y on the mountain (I didn't get a picture from the valley!) Let me just tell you moderately strenuous means heart-palpitatingly HARD!!! Then we went to a tail-gate party at the Alumni Center and then the Football game. We had FUN!! We left the game early so we could meet friends at the Witchapalooza at Gardner Village.
I can't believe I'm doing this, but I've started another blog! CRAZY! I can hardly keep my family fed and run to Provo every weekend let alone start another blog. But yes, that is what I'm doing!
The new blog is called "Basically Quilting". Why? When I already have this quilty blog already? Well, I've been teaching a beginning class on quilting and I've found that I keep forgetting to say something in this class, and another thing in that class. So I've decided to create a blog so that I can post all the helpful hints and Quilting basics that keep popping into my brain at the wrong time, mainly when class is OVER!!
So visit the new blog, leave your comments, add your tips, or ask a question and I'll try to find the answer, and links to where I find out great info and tips on quilting!
For Christmas I gave my DD Amanda one of my sewing machines, rotary mat, rotary cutter, sewing table etc. . . . Guess what? She comes here to sew. She brings along my sweet Grand-daughter Nora, so I'm deciding it's a good thing. Amanda and Nora came over the other day so we could start our Aprons.
Well done to all exhibitors at the 2008 Queensland Quilt Show held in Brisbane this month. Congratulations to all the winners and place-getters. I would like to thank all the Koolkat Quilting customers who exhibited their work and pass special congratulations on to Robyn Mallet(left above) winner of Category 11: Professional - Commercially quilted, and third place-getter in Category 13: Group/Collaborative quilt, Toowoomba Quilters Club Inc. A full list including photos of the quilts can be seen at http://www.qldquilters.com/.
Note: Between now and election day, (November 4th) my posts are going to be political. I hope you all will keep reading. Much love, and best wishes, Victoria
The following video, made by Ron Howard is most enjoyable! Please watch!
We are in the home stretch folks, and even though I really do like to keep things light and fun here on my blog, in all good consciousness I feel that I have to use what little time there is left, before the election, to communicate my feelings. I realize that there are some of you who will disagree with me no matter what, and I hope that we can respectfully agree to disagree, I in no way wish to offend anyone. But truth is I am offended. I am offended with how this country has been run for the last almost 8 years. I am offended that we are eyeball high in debt, continuing to borrow from other countries in order to pay for a war that we had no business getting into. I am offended that our government asks the most selfless and bravest of our country to leave their families and risk their very lives, tour after tour, while neglecting to provided them with their most basic needs of safety, health and well being. Meanwhile, as Rome, (America) burns and Nero, (our government) plays his fiddle, we are all told that our tax money will be going to help bail out the greedy Wall Street gang of crooks, (only of course after an extra 150 billion dollars of pork was added onto the 750 billion bail out plan... and yes, I am ticked at Obama, as much as I support him, as well as McCain and all the rest in the Senate for voting yes on this). I am offended that these financial "experts" merrily continue to live the high life during this most serious of economic crisis that they created, taking lavish spa vacations while patting each other on the back for doing such a great job. I am offended by the lie of "Trickle Down Economics". It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you want the economy to do well you need to practice "Trickle Up Economics". In other words, give the tax breaks to those that need it most, so that they have money to put into the economy, which they will, because they need to buy just in order to survive... they don't have the luxury of socking it away in the Cayman Islands! And I am most offended by the lies and fear mongering that this election has spawned, thus igniting the most vile of hate and bigotry. I am shocked and saddened by what is being revealed, and I hope that just like beautiful crops grow from a layer of smelly manure, somehow something beautiful can also grow from all of this crap.
Whew, I feel a bit better now. I needed to say that. I needed to say that because I love my country, and my country is dying. I fear that if we don't try something new, she isn't going to make it. It doesn't make any sense to keep taking the same medicine, if the medicine is making things worse! I believe that there is a cure, but it means letting go of fear and going bravely in a new direction. That is why I am voting for Barack Obama.
The Reedsburg Quilt Show was a lot of fun. Many great vendors and quilts to tempt me. I came home with a beading embellishment book for fabrics from the Turtle Island Beads booth. I also came home with an over dyed tablecloth from Lorna's booth. Oh so gorgeous!
One of the viewers choice winners at the quilt show was a 5 year old boy. He helped his grandmother pick fabric and then he sewed the blocks together. His grandmother finished the assembly and quilting. It was really fun seeing his face when he saw the blue ribbon on his quilt.
I sold a lot of my hand dyed fabric at the show. I spent most of today making changes to my Etsy store. I added a few new colors of jewelry and quilt block magnets to my shop today. Yes, that was what I was hiding in the snowflakes and Chinese take out boxes.
All is inventoried and put away. This coming week I will be getting more items ready to send to the Iowa Artisans Gallery in Iowa City. This gallery will be stocking my jewelry and stained glass snowflakes for the Christmas season. If you are ever in Iowa City be sure to stop in and see this fabulous shop. I have a bunch of fall pictures to post. I hope to get those added to my blog later this week.
P.S. The first snow of the year is coming down right now and I haven't finished hand quilting the new quilt for our bed...Oh well.