Some quilting friends gathered recently to do visual diaries. I am including some photos of what we did. We have challenged ourselves to complete at least one page per day in the journals and meet again in a month. I have managed to do a few pages - I did 5 on one day, and then nothing for a couple of days etc - but I think I can average 7 a week without too much trouble.
The best thing about blogging and the visual diaries is that new ideas for quilts pop into your head - they really do! It is sort of a problem solving process which begins once you set your mind free to just play. I've got another idea from the lyrics of a song that just sticks in my head and won't go away - it's "I am a child", by Neil Young. I love that bit where it goes: "The sky's blue and so is the sea" - the images just explode in my head - more later!